The Designer’s Nightmare Are Not Engineers, It’s Greedy Decision Makers Who Lack Empathy 🤕

Don’t you ever wish products were simpler? without the cheating sales tactics.

Riku Arikiri
6 min readMay 14, 2022
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

The dilemma of simplicity is always there, staring at you right in the face.

Or is it that we’re always focused on building the next thing that we forget that software in its entirety is complex. Creating something layer by layer is like making a cake.

If you do not know what ingredients to use, obviously you’re going to make a terrible cake. Some things most engineers struggle with all the time.

They’re terrible chefs at making something that people actually want.

Now if you think the cake you’re making is the one that the end-user wants.

You’re so wrong. Even if you think the cake is good. The customers have never tasted it. The user who’s going to eat it doesn’t know what to expect.

In short when you do ship that piece of cake.

The user is going to spit that out.

Because your cake is a pile of sh*t.

They might not even notice it when you set it on the top shelf of your window. No amount of die-hard marketing is going to increase…



Riku Arikiri

It’s never black or white. Sometimes there’s a bit of spicy red in there as well.