Dear Girls, Be Careful of Who You Trust Online

Always Knock on the Bridge Before You Cross Over.

Riku Arikiri


Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

Do you know what’s worse than a suspicious offer?

The person who made that offer.

In life, there are times where you will receive that gut feeling. The feeling when your curiosity is at its peak. It will stop you for a moment followed by gasps. This feeling prompts, you shouldn’t take the next step as doubt follows in your heart.

But the temptation is so strong, you can’t resist.

Yes, I’m talking about the imminent danger that is opposed to the path you’re willing to take. Though whenever we usually aim to proceed emotionally, we don’t think about it hard enough of what can happen to us if we don’t use caution.

Caution is necessary for life, it helps us to avoid unnecessary trouble. Some things are never in our favor, to begin with. It voids everything that can potentially harm us.

Thus is the nature of a crooked bridge. We don’t know what might happen if we cross over. Thus knocking the bridge helps to ease our worries, even if we will get sacked afterward.

It is better to always proceed with vigilance in any scenario.

Because cautiousness saves lives, while haste can lay waste to your life.

Especially when it comes from people who want you to trust them. Just because you met online and they profess a meet-up just to get to know each other better.

Be wary about these offers. Especially if you haven’t talked to them for a long while. Trust is not born in a day.

Nor does it happen if they turn you on.

Don’t regret falling into the tricks of the seducer. For they will ruin you and leave you for dead wanting more.

The Takeaway — He’s Not Worth the Emotional Trauma

As a word of caution, don’t be one of those crazy ones who take a flight just to see a guy because they said so. Only to realize that they take you to KFC and then afterward block you when they’ve had their fun.

Not worth it, my peeps.

Be extra cautious when they message you after a day or a week.

They are going to play the same game. Don’t even let them in again.

Resist the temptation.

If you do not, doom awaits. Your doom.

You have been warned…



Riku Arikiri

It’s never black or white. Sometimes there’s a bit of spicy red in there as well.